








ワシントンDC – 2023年6月15日、コロンビア特別区上級裁判所(DCSC)のアルフレッド・アーヴィング判事は、「世界平和統一家庭連合(FFWPU)インターナショナル他 対 文顯進他」の訴訟において、UCIに対する残りの訴えをすべて棄却する判決を下した。













June 24, 202

D.C. Superior Court Dismisses All Claims Against UCI
Ruling ends 12 years of groundless litigation against religious organization
Washington, DC – On June 15, 2023, the Honorable Judge Alfred Irving of the District of Columbia
Superior Court (DCSC) issued an order dismissing all remaining claims against UCI in the case of The
Family Federation for World Peace & Unification (FFWPU) International, et al. v. Hyun Jin Moon, et al.
The order follows an August 2022 ruling by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals (DCCA) that found
a lack of legal grounds for control of UCI by the plaintiffs, which include FFWPUI, the Unification Church
of Japan and the Universal Peace Federation.
“Judge Irving’s order is a welcome end to 12 years of destructive and financially wasteful litigation,” said
UCI General Counsel Nicholas Chiaia. “It finally and firmly establishes the baseless and unconstitutional
nature of these claims, which represented a cynical attempt to gain control over a religious organization
against the wishes of its founder and the beliefs of its adherents.”
The previous DCCA ruling sent the case back to DCSC to decide the case consistent with its opinion,
which was so definitive that plaintiff’s counsel at the time Miller and Chevalier concluded the only way
to continue litigating the matter was to bring its case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet, shortly after,
Womble Bond Dickinson replaced Miller and Chevalier as FFWPU’s legal counsel and has been persistent
in advancing meritless claims of a right to control UCI in the DCSC. That effort prompted the most recent
order, which included the Judge’s observation that UCI’s request for court sanctions against FFWPU for
its continued pursuit of its claims – though not granted – was “well taken.”
“Since 2008, various FFWPU leaders have engaged in baseless attacks against Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon
and various Unification Movement-affiliated organizations through litigation and other means, forcing
UCI to incur tens of millions of dollars in legal fees,” said Chiaia. “We are pleased this matter is finally
resolved and that we may today refocus our efforts on advancing UCI’s spiritual, humanitarian and
philanthropic mission around the world.”
As a D.C. nonprofit corporation, UCI is one of many legally independent organizations inspired by the
late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the founding charismatic, messianic leader of the worldwide Unification
Movement. Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon succeeds Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and has been advancing the
Movement’s intergenerational and providential mission to promote worldwide unity and nurture God￾centered families across all religions, races, ideologies, and nationalities.





カテゴリー: 真実




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